Every once in a while, we receive accounts from Locksmiths who use our tools, telling us of their various experiences with them. Though all these accounts are interesting, some deserve special attention. Here is one we received. Many thanks for allowing us to use it.
“A young mother called me in distress one morning after locking herself out leaving
her two babies unattended in the kitchen. I raced to the address to find an auto
deadlocking composite door with a key left on the inside. Luckily I was equipped with
the Outside-in Sidewinder and Rattler combination allowing me to work around the
letterbox guard and turn the key inside. This tool is potentially a life saving piece of
equipment and something no emergency locksmith should be without.”
~ Rick Corfield, Wolverhampton Locksmiths
The ‘SideWinder’ is the ultimate Locksmiths tool that has revolutionised the way in which we use the Letterbox Tool. Using it’s Registered Design ‘DirectDrive’ mechanism, it has the ability to turn ‘Nightlatch knobs/levers*’, ‘Thumbturns’, and Keys left on the inside of locks, swiftly and efficiently. It is highly versatile, with the ability to deal with the majority of letterbox-related situations, including those encountered by Warrant Locksmiths.
The ‘SideWinder’ is compatible with the ‘Extreme Letterbox Tool Kits’ and the Souber™ LBT and comes with one of our ‘SureLock’ metal connectors.
At around 26mm in thickness, the self-adjusting gripper assembly has been designed to slide through even the smallest letterbox. It does not use cord, string or batteries to drive it. It utilises a simple technique for use, which may be easily mastered within approximately 10 minutes, with openings of around one or two minutes commonplace once practised. Simply position it, and operate it. Job done, and another Customer highly impressed!
The ‘SideWinder’ comes with a 12 Month Warranty, though the ‘gripper rubbers’, must be considered a consumable, (carefully balanced between optimum performance and longevity), and are therefore not covered under the Warranty. The ‘SideWinder’ comes complete with spare rubber grippers and extras may be purchased online.
Do you need help replacing the gripper rubbers on your SideWinder Evolution grippers? Click Here for full step by step instructions.
Some minor surface imperfections may be apparent. This is the result of the supply of the raw materials and manufacturing process, and will not affect the performance of the tool in any way.
Self-adjusting grippers fit many different knobs and turns (below, left).
Thanks go to Stu, of ‘Windsor Locks’ who is a Warrant Locksmith. He sent the photo (below, right), which shows what he encountered during a Warrant, and gained entry to using only the Extreme Letterbox Tool kit and the ‘SideWinder’, demonstrating that this tool will make short work of even the most challenging of situations!
NB: The SideWinder will not open “snibbed or locked” latches, over-cranking to try to open these or badly fitted locks that are tight, will result in damage to the “SideWinder cable”