Security Letterbox Plates are on the increase! Primarily designed to prevent ‘key fishing’ and access to thumbturns, they can also make the Locksmiths job of using a letterbox tool a nightmare, as the standard letterbox tool will not circumvent the Plate.
Enter ‘The Rattler’! A unique, letterbox tool handle, featuring it’s Registered Design ‘Loop’ which makes bypassing Plates possible. ‘The Rattler’ is compatible with our ‘SureLock’ system unique to our ‘Extreme Letterbox Tool Kit.’ It is a great companion for our Best-Selling ‘SideWinder’ tool too!
‘The Rattler’ is aimed at Locksmiths and entry specialists who require speed, even when security is high. It is in its element when dealing with narrow, security letterboxes, and small, restricted ones often found on cottages, where room is limited. The handle grip brings letterbox tool use to a new level, with its superior-grip enables comfort and thus greater control. The grip may also be butted up against the letterbox, to aid manoeuvrability. It is features such as these, that have made ‘The Rattler’ the first choice for letterbox tool handles amongst top warrant Locksmiths using it today. Once you have used ‘The Rattler’, you will never use the standard letterbox tool handle again.